Alarma Ranger 8600 Manual

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.Comments about the 8600E.4 Terminal Drawing and Special Notes.5 Terminal & Fuse Description. 6 How to Program the Ranger 8600E. 7 Keypad Programming Examples.8 Programming Phone Numbers & Formats. 9 Communicator Format Selection Guide.10 Optional Programming Instructions.10 - 27.Read the operators manual before you begin the installation for the best overall description of how the Ranger 8600E functions. After installation of the security system, complete the information on page 1 of the users’ manual and explain the system operation to all security system owners/operators.QUICK ARM FEATURE The Ranger 8600E has a one button 'Quick Arm' code, which can be used to arm the system by pressing one digit at the keypad.

  1. Alarma Ranger 8600 Manual Free

The 'Quick Arm' digit is programmed in location 139 on page 16.TELEPHONE LINE MONITOR The Ranger 8600E has a telephone line monitor that monitors the voltage and current of the telephone line for a detection of a faulted phone line. See locations 194 & 195, page 23. COMMENTS ABOUT THE 8600E ‰0003.Terminal Drawing & Special Notes.Terminal Description TERMINAL DESCRIPTION 4- Pin Connector Programmable Auxiliary Output Terminals Connect one side of zone 1 loop. The other side of loop to common terminal 2. Open or short causes alarm. Common (-) Terminal Connect one side of zone 2 loop. The other side of loop to common terminal 2.

Open or short causes alarm.P.C. See figure 3 on page 8. When the system keypad is utilized for programming (as described by method 1 above), the Ranger 8600E will be in the 'Program' mode, and the yellow LED's will display the data in location 000. The data is displayed using a Binary system.PROGRAMMING PHONE NUMBERS AND FORMATS (REQUIRED PROGRAMMING FOR CENTRAL STATION REPORTING) This section describes all the locations that must be programmed for the Ranger 8600E to function and report to a central station. Other programming can be found in the section “Programming Instructions”.UNIVERSAL 4 + 2 1800HZ TRANSMIT 2300HZ HANDSHAKE DOUBLE ROUND PARITY 20 PPS. ADEMCO/SILENT KNIGHT FAST 1900HZ TRANSMIT 1400HZ HANDSHAKE DOUBLE ROUND '2' PARITY 20 PPS. CADDX MODEM PROPRIETARY '3' '4' RESERVED RESERVED EXTENDED RADIONICS SLOW 1800HZ TRANSMIT 2300HZ HANDSHAKE DOUBLE ROUND '5'.FIRE (PRIORITY WHEN AHJ HAS NOT APPROVED) - A short on a FIRE zone (non-bypassable) will communicate to the central station when the Ranger 8600E is armed or disarmed.

An open will create a Trouble condition. Keypad LED will be steady for FIRE, and flashing for Trouble.LOCATION 088-089: PROGRAMMING FOR AUXILIARY 1, 1 & 3 DOUBLE KEYPRESS The Ranger 8600E has the ability to report an Auxiliary 1 code and activate the Priority siren each time the 1 and 3 keys are pressed simultaneously on the keypad. The desired reporting code is programmed in locations 088-089. If both locations are '0', the Auxiliary 1 double keypress is disabled.LOCATION 102: PROGRAMMING TO REPORT CLOSINGS The Ranger 8600E has the ability to report a closing code each time the control is armed. The desired closing code is programmed in location 102. If this location contains a '0', closings will not be reported.

When using 4+2 format, the number programmed in this location is sent as the 'tens'.LOCATION 120-121: PROGRAMMING TO REPORT AC POWER LOSS The Ranger 8600E has the ability to report an AC power failure code when AC power is lost. This report can be immediate or delayed depending on the information programmed in location 150 AC POWER LOSS DELAY. The desired AC failure mode should be programmed in locations 120-121.If a '1' is programmed in location 138, the Ranger 8600E will not arm with any zone bypassed. If programmed with a '0', up to 5 of the 6 burglary zones can be bypassed, and the Ranger 8600E can still be armed. If an “8' is programmed, it will prevent a beeping if you loose A.C.power and entering of codes twice to stop beeping.LOCATION 140: PRIORITY SIREN CUTOFF INHIBIT Location 140 can be programmed based on the following selections.

Alarma Ranger 8600 Manual

VALUE DESCRIPTION A Priority zone type siren will sound continuously until an arm/disarm code is entered (otherwise, the siren will time-out as programmed in location 77). This location does not affect the burglary siren. Sounds the keypad sounder when low battery is detected For battery connection supervision Add these numbers together for combinations of the options.Table 2.1 DATA ACTIVATION ON NOTES '0' BURGLARY ALARM MOMENTARY OUTPUT.

Alarma Ranger 8600 Manual Free


If this location contains a '0', an autotest signal will be reported the first time the current time equals the autotest time programmed in locations 162-165. Locations 098-099 must be programmed to enable autotest reporting.LOCATION 173: PROGRAMMING USER 7 OR MAINTENANCE CODE CLOSING COMMUNICATOR CODE The Ranger 8600E has the ability to give a closing report each time user number 7 arms the control. The desired closing code should be programmed in this location. This feature can be used in conjunction with the rotating maintenance code to give a closing report each time the maintenance code is used to arm.Table 3.1 ZONES TO PROGRAM FOR N/C OPERATION DATA T0 PROGRAM IN LOCATION 174 '1' '2' 5 & 6 '3' '4' 4 & 6 '5' 4 & 5 '6' 4, 5, & 6 '7' '8' 3 & 6 '9' 3 & 5 A ='10'.LOCATION 177: SPLIT REPORTING - PROGRAMMING AC POWER FAIL, LOW BATTERY, OPEN/CLOSE, AND MAINTENANCE OPEN/CLOSE TO REPORT TO THE SECONDARY PHONE NUMBER The 8600E is capable sending certain reports to the secondary telephone number.