Lips Program Used Sale

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. Meet the specific requirements of your targeted LIP funding series. Summer reading incentive programs. The results of the proposed action(s) must be measurable. Therefore, the landowner must agree to allow biologists onto their property for a pre-agreement survey and periodic progress checks to assess the success of the project objectives.

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  3. Lips Program Used Sales

Priority is also given to those projects where long term species monitoring is implemented. The landowner must be willing to sign a project agreement. Each agreement will be designed to meet the landowner's individual conservation and land use needs and objectives. Inability to complete LIP project due to weather or other conditions beyond the landowner's control will be considered individually and rescheduled.How will proposals be selected? The LIP is a competitive grant program. Project proposals are reviewed and ranked according to the ranking criteria specific to the funding series.

Depending on the funding series, proposals are also reviewed by USFWS biologists, TPWD diversity biologists and/or fisheries staff. The primary selection criteria will be based on the extent to which the action achieves the goals of the targeted funding series balanced against the cost effectiveness of the proposed action. Applicants not selected will be eligible to reapply. Successful applicants will be notified and arrangements will be made to develop terms of the agreement. Because LIP utilizes federal funds, TPWD is required to provide assurances that the project will not negatively impact important cultural resources or federally-listed species, so reviews may be needed depending on the planned project activities.

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What type of project is eligible for funding? TPWD encourages effective and cost-efficient conservation projects.

Funds can be used for projects that enhance and protect wildlife habitat and/or enhance target watersheds. Common practices include native plant restoration, control of exotic vegetation, prescribed burning, selective brush management, wetland enhancement, riparian restoration, and forest stand improvement. Other actions not listed here that will accomplish conservation goals at reasonable cost are encouraged and will be considered. What are the funding limitations? LIP is a cost-share reimbursement program. Depending on the funding series, TPWD will contribute between 50% and 75% of a total project cost, while the applicant is expected to contribute the balance (materials or in-kind services are acceptable match). LIP is a reimbursement program, so landowners receive payment upon completion of planned practices and submission of valid invoices.

Receipt of payment will be contingent on the landowner's fulfillment of the agreement and completion of the project. Landowners are expected to work with their TPWD biologist to document final results of the project. Requests for reimbursement must be submitted by the TPWD or USFWS biologist working on the project. Annual program funding varies according to availability of LIP funds.

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Project proposals must be filled out by a TPWD biologist who will work on the project. Please contact your for more information. The Texas LIP currently offers the following funding options LIP Partners Watershed Funding SeriesThe is designed to meet the needs of private, non-federal landowners wishing to enact good conservation practices on their lands. This allocation of LIP funding is made possible through a cooperative agreement with the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. All projects approved for funding are thereby subject to the terms and conditions of that Program.

Pre-proposal submission deadline: February 16, 2020. Exceptional projects will be funded on a rolling basis so don't wait for a submission deadline to submit.LIP Conserving Texas Rivers Funding SeriesThe is specifically dedicated to conservation actions that positively impact these watersheds. Pecos Watershed Grassland Restoration Funding SeriesThe is designed to restore desert grassland on private lands within the Pecos Watershed of Texas. This allocation of LIP Funding is through a cooperative agreement between the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Rio Grande Joint Venture. Conservation License Plate LIP Funding SeriesThe is dedicated to enhancing habitat for rare and declining species native to Texas to aid in reducing the need for federal protection.

Lips Program Reviews

These species are identified as in the Texas Conservation Action Plan (TCAP), and are considered 'high priority' as a result of their rarity, risk of further decline, and their need for conservation action to achieve population recovery.Projects from this funding are selected from the applicant pool for the LIP Partners Watershed Funding Series. The LIP Partners Watershed Funding Series. Pre-proposal submission deadline: February 16, 2020. Selected pre-proposals will then be required to submit a full proposal (template will be provided). After ranking and careful review by committee projects selected for funding can anticipate having a contract in place by October 2020, so plan work timeline accordingly.The LIP Partners Watershed Funding Series is designed to meet the needs of private, non-federal landowners wishing to enact good conservation practices on their lands. This allocation of LIP funding is made possible through a grant from the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. All projects approved for funding are thereby subject to the terms and conditions of that Program.

Projects supported by this funding series are managed jointly by TPWD and USFWS biologists. Project proposals taken on a continuous basis until all funds are spent.Targeting property in both the riparian zone and uplands of the:. Rio Grande Watershed. Llano River Watershed. Pedernales River Watershed.

Blanco River Watershed.This Funding Series is specifically dedicated to conservation actions that positively impact these three watersheds. Property does not have to include a riparian area to be considered. Many forms of conservation land stewardship will qualify, including upland habitat enhancements. The goal is to restore riparian zones, restore aquatic habitats, improve water quality, increase water quantity, reduce erosion, and remove non-native species.

The program encourages and supports a wide array of sustainable land-use activities that are compatible with aquatic resource conservation. While the ultimate goal of this funding is to improve habitat for the state fish, the Guadalupe Bass, this funding will be used to support projects implementing conservation actions on any habitat within the targeted watershed with the understanding that conservation based land stewardship will have a positive impact on the watershed.This allocation of LIP funding is made possible through a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation as well as partnerships with Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. All projects approved for funding are thereby subject to the terms and conditions of that grant. Grants require a 50:50 cost share. Conservation License Plate LIP Funding SeriesProjects from this funding are selected from the applicant pool for the LIP Partners Watershed Funding Series.The Conservation License Plate LIP Funding Series is dedicated to enhancing habitat for rare and declining species native to Texas to aid in reducing the need for federal protection.

Lips Program Used Sales

These species are identified as in the, and are considered 'high priority' as a result of their rarity, risk of further decline and their need for conservation action to achieve population recovery, for more information see the.This allocation of LIP funding is made possible through the purchase of.We encourage all good conservation projects to submit pre-proposals for consideration. Projects that show a direct benefit to SGCN species considered “high priority,” that have known populations of such species within the project area, and that are willing to provide location-specific data to inform future conservation efforts for such species will rank the highest. Projects that benefit species that are listed as SGCN in the TCAP that are not considered “high priority” will also be given careful consideration for funding. Projects will be considered for funding on a rolling basis. Landowner contribution is encouraged but not required. Awards do not generally exceed more than $30,000 in LIP reimbursement.Special consideration will be given to habitat enhancement projects that offer long-term protection, long-term monitoring, and that will provide location-specific data for high priority SGCN.Contacts.

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