Diablo 2 Lvl 99 Chars Games

Posted by admin

12:21 AMPosted by level you can do that in d3 build new different characters you can do that in d3 rush character you can do that in d3 craft item farm you can do that in d3 craft you can do that in d3 PVP Hopefully you'll be able to do that soon in d3 low level duwling Hopefully you'll be able to do that soon in d3 roll charms huh? Gem farm you can do that in d3 just hang out and chat in channel you can do that in d3 trade you can do that in d3 just kill stuff for kicks you can do that in d3 The rest. Yeah pretty much just for D2. But who's to say they won't have something like that in the future? WOW, arn't you in denial! Fanboi moar plx.

  1. Diablo 2 Lvl 99 Chars Games List
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12:07 AMPosted by I remember logging in back in the day not to just item farm, but try to level up a little from say - 94 to 95. Never have I seen a player base so eager to do the most boring unrewarding level grind in the history of games (Level 90 to 99 in Diablo 2). Then at the same time CRY INCESSANTLY DAY AFTER DAY WEEK AFTER WEEK MONTH AFTER MONTH about Diablo 3's grind. You can get literally 2 fully geared characters that can farm inferno before your Diablo 2 character gets from 97 to 98.

Level build new different characters rush characters item farm craft item farm craft PVP low level duwling roll charms gem farm just hang out and chat in channel trade just kill stuff for kicks key farm kill uber trist dclone farm 1. Level - You can do this in D3. Not only that, players CRY AND!$@#% all day about how it 'takes forever' to get to max level in D3 and that its' 'like an MMO grind'. This is done by the same players who will grind over level 90 in Diablo 2. Because they want to!@!%#, they don't want to play a game. Build new different characters - You can do this in D3. Not only that, if you want the class itself to have a new build, you can try one out by swapping skills.

In D2 you have to reroll a completely different character or use a hero editor offline. So you are saying that you LIKE rerolling characters in D2 but don't like rolling different characters in D3? Because rerolling 3 paladins in D2 was definitely more interesting than rolling a Monk, Wizard, and Barbarian in D3. Rush Characters - Here is Rushing in D2.

Give the rusher your a4 hellforge drops so you can skip all of the content to get to act 5. Continuously join games generated by a bot that does Baal over and over to hit lv40. Give the rusher your a4 nm hellforge to skip to nm act 5.

Continuously join games generated by a bot that does Baal over and over to hit lv60. Give the rusher your a4 hell diff forge to skip to hell act 5. Continuously join games generated by a bot that does Baal over and over to hit lv75+. Start playing the game. Yep character rushing. Something you can do in Diablo 2 but can't do in Diablo 3. Damned characters get themselves to max level in D3 before a character is rushed level 85 in D2 (Don't bring up uber farming to level because that was instanerfed).

Apparently, NOT NEEDING TO RUSH is less fun than rushing to these people. Craft items, craft item farm, roll charms - All in the same category. I'm gonna add GAMBLING to this list too since you forgot it. Remember that most of this was introduced in PATCHES long after the EXPANSION came out. D3 crafting and D2 crafting are about equal when it comes to usefulness and randomness.

PvP and low level dueling - Isn't in D3 but PvP will be. Hopefully Blizzard will come to their senses and allow structured character dueling. It can be done outside of a normal game. Remember, D2 players didn't care about the crap outside of the Rogue encampment unless a necro needed to rez stuff. Gem Farm - Yep, when I miss Diablo 2 I missed farming gems.

You are an idiot. Just hang out in channel and chat, Trade, Kill stuff for kicks - Happens in D3. Sorry to burst your bubble but it does. Key farm + Uber Trist + Dclone farm - One, you can't farm Dclone. Two, you can do Uber Trist after you farm keys. Remember this was only added a long time AFTER the EXPANSION of D2 came out. Have to remind people of this because it is added content after they've added content after they've added content.

In that base of D2 you only farmed a few selected bosses and then did Uber trist. In D3 you farm ANYWHERE IN ANY ACT. In fact, you never ever farmed random areas in D2 AT ALL EVER. In D3 you farm random areas for a longer time than you are farming non-random boss areas.

There was no point in hitting 99 other than ladder. You were going to get 5 points on skills and 5 on stats to set becoming a bit more poerfull. How no point in leveling?

Just the ladder? Just one of the many things to do. Ok last few are newer added on things to do, but im sure im still forgetting somethings. Level build new different characters rush characters item farm craft item farm craft PVP low level duwling roll charms gem farm just hang out and chat in channel trade just kill stuff for kicks key farm kill uber trist dclone farm Those was all about the infinite D2 end-game.

You forgot some:. Cows runs. Rolling magics items. Getting runes join and update em to go ahead and a day complete your amazing runeword. Add sockets to the items. Boss runs because high chances they drop unique.

Some laugh in the UI lobby chat. Helping new comers.

Collecting gems to sell to the reach ones for gears (because pgems were used to roll or also update gearsand i'm sure i'm forgetting even more as well. Just one of the many things to do. Ok last few are newer added on things to do, but im sure im still forgetting somethings. Level build new different characters rush characters item farm craft item farm craft PVP low level duwling roll charms gem farm just hang out and chat in channel trade just kill stuff for kicks key farm kill uber trist dclone farm also rune farming (ex.

Tower runs) farming for elite whites/sockets/eths (ex. Hell cows, pit, and parts of acts 4 & 5) playing with friends because multiplay didn't suck. 02:09 AMPosted by 7.

Just hang out in channel and chat, Trade, Kill stuff for kicks - Happens in D3. Sorry to burst your bubble but it does. You call this a chat? You have an idea of what it was the lobby chat? Never traded in D3 from the start. None asked and chats are desert.

Key farm + Uber Trist + Dclone farm - In D3 you farm ANYWHERE IN ANY ACT. To get nothing. You did boss runs because actually you were almost guaranteed to get some uniques. The only uniques i did found in this game where inside chests. Zinqf.you really awakened me to a sound reasoning. I love and really miss D2.

I love having the grind.it WAS rewarding! Skill points.I got skill points every time I lvl, and it allowed me to tweak my class to be even STRONGER! Even having end game gear, I was still able to get stronger. And having multiple builds was awesome. I had a Zealadin, Hammerdin, and Auradin. I also had a Summonancer, Werebear Druid, Trapasin, Storm Sorc, Ice-orb Sorc, Leap Barb, and WhirlyBarb. I have a Barb and a Barb, DH and another DH, Wizzy,Wizzy, and another Wizzy, WD and a WD.seriously?

No builds, no customization, no variety. I think your issue in D2 rushing was you werent patient. I NEVER gave any one my forge, nor did I even promise it to anyone. I found people who were nice enough to let me tag along on a full party rush, or a game they did for a rush for free.

Hell.I even rushed for free, just for the extra cheap and quick exp. Not alot of exp, but it was there, it was easy, and it was free. I miss gambling. Never did PvP in Diablo.someone aggro me, I'd usually just leave and move on. No need to PvP for me, whether my Ice-orb sorc could win or not. But thats personal preference.

I miss gem farming, cuz it its basically just like gear farming in this game. You run around the stages, looking for specific stuff, killing everything in your path. Sounds familiar right? Your right about chatting and killing stuff for fun.But we could improve it with better lvl caps and skill/stat points.

And yeah.all the UberTrist and such were later patched into the game, so if they were successful, Why wasnt something like that Installed early ingame anyway? And We just went over the farming of random areas in Gem hunts.Apparently you never played the game prior to runes and rune words, otherwise you would know and understand that hunting gems in D2 was just like hunting gear in D3. 02:23 AMPosted by Yeah, I definitely wish they had raised the level to 99. 60 just doesn't feel complete. Feels like 39 levels of badassery have been locked from you. The skills could stop at level 60, maybe even stats too. But it would be nice if when you leveled up, you could spend a point and buff your favorite skill.


If you weren't finding good items, at least you would have a feeling of progress. Gaining levels past 60 with some reward for gaining additional levels would at least provide some reward for continuing to play the game. Currently the quality of the drops doesn't reward you for your time. 01:31 AMPosted by Just because you expect the game to stay the same doesn't mean everyone has to. Don't take your frustration on other players.You did get me wrong.

You like the level 60 cap, and you want to make it clear by posting in every thread complaining about this limit? No problem with that, be my guest. However saying there's no point in comparing D2 (w/ or w/o LOD) and D3 is just plain wrong and by judging the forum mood since release, the dev team didn't compare enough.Of course I have to make it clear because I don't want Blizzard to actually implement it in an expansion. It does nothing to the game and only gives players' false sense of accomplishment. It's just doing something for the sake of doing something. I'm tired of seeing games with with annoyingly long XP bars without a purpose. Repeating the same stuff many times just to reach a level is just pointless.

It would seem that Blizzard does take players' opinions into consideration, so I don't want them to do anything to change the level system. When certain changes may affect how I enjoy my game, of course I will have to say something. This is something Blizzard does right. There is no point in grinding many times over for level.

Most people would just choose the most effective XP farming level and just farm there many times until they reach the max level. A lot of them are not gonna play the game over many times just to reach the level they desire. Level you can do that in d3 build new different characters you can do that in d3 rush character you can do that in d3 craft item farm you can do that in d3 craft you can do that in d3 PVP Hopefully you'll be able to do that soon in d3 low level duwling Hopefully you'll be able to do that soon in d3 roll charms huh?

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Gem farm you can do that in d3 just hang out and chat in channel you can do that in d3 trade you can do that in d3 just kill stuff for kicks you can do that in d3 The rest. Yeah pretty much just for D2. But who's to say they won't have something like that in the future? How many accounts have you bought for Diablo III??? You cannot build different characters.

In Diablo II, I currently have Lightning Sorceress, Blizzard Sorceress, Charged Bolt sorceress and a Hydra sorceress. When I get rich, I will make a dual-nova sorceress and a glacial spike sorceress. I may make an enchanter sorceress and a meteor sorceress. That was 6 sorceresses. I currently have a hybrid amazon and a zealot and a hammerdin, plus one summoner necromancer.

You can't craft in Diablo III. You can upgrade gems, but that hardly counts as crafting. You refer to the ingredient-eater who you can pay to take your ingredients. A goldfish can eat stuff. The similarity doesn't end there: The goldfish gives you crap in return too! I would compare him to a dog, but a dog can actually do stuff with you, and leaves greater amounts of crap.

A goldfish crapping dogpoo. That is very descriptive of crafting in Diablo III.

In Diablo II you could craft axes, amulet, gloves, belts and rings profitably. Leveling is ONLY gear-allowance check in Diablo III. If you could level from 60 to 99, it would be utterly pointless because 3 strength per level doesn't quite compare to 5 attribute points and 1 skill level plus bonuses to hit and penalties to monsters chance of hitting you. Yes, attributes were broken. However, why did they decide to make them more important in Diablo III and move them over to your ITEMS, instead of FIXING them or REMOVING them??

(They HAVE fixed them to some degree in their current implementation - all that was needed to fix attributes was to remove the health attribute as a selectable attribute and give players static life per level based on their class, and allow items to have low bonuses to health that make those items OPTIONAL instead of MANDATORY like in Diablo III) PvP? Perhaps next year. Gem farming is useless in Diablo III. In diablo II, 40 perfect gems yield you ist, no questions asked. 20 perfect amethysts yield you ist because crafting was that important.

30 perfect rubies yield you ist, because axe and glove crafting could be godly. These are todays prices in Diablo II. I'm going back to Diablo II. 1.04 patch notes didn't mention character skills or the cheating monster affixes or attributes. I'll take my ' enough str for gear, enough dex for max block and rest in vit (energy at base)' over ' All you items need high primary attribute and vitality to be viable'. Many people say 'I want 99 levels, daiblo 3 sucks' but I will ask this again. Why do you want 99 levels?

Why not have 1,000,000,000,000 levels (a new expereience bar) that is there just to get your levling kicks satisfied. Nothing is gained from it.

Diablo 2 Lvl 99 Chars Games List

Do you only want 99 levels if you get something from it? It doesn't matter how many levels there are. As long as you are able to continue levelling. Forever or close to forever. It gives you another thing to do in the game.

Every level adds a little to the power of your char, it helps feeling 'good'. Every level also allowed (in D2) to improve ony of your skills, or maybe add a utility skill after maxing your mains. D3 has only items. As others have said, in D3, crafting is totally useless, gems are unfun, no rerolling of blue items, no runes, charms, jewels.

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Just nothing to do except endless mindless farming. And even that doesn't reward the player one bit at all. More things to do = more reason to keep going. Levelling (with a purpose) is one of those things.