Google Drive Api As Pdf

Posted by admin

You can do it by using the Export as PDF tool like this:Your document link (example):/editChange the end of link from /edit to /export?format=pdf/export?format=pdfHowever this needs Sharing setting to be modified Anyone who has the link can viewIt works with: /export?format=docx/export?format=odt/export?format=rtf/export?format=pdf/export?format=txt/export?format=html. Click 'Print' or the icon for the printer in the Google Drive.At the 'Destination' field, click the 'Change' button and choose 'Save to Google Drive' as your destination.If 'Save to Google Drive' does not display as an option among your printers,2a.

  1. Google Drive Api Convert To Pdf
  2. Google Drive Api As Pdf Free

Select 'Show All' at the bottom of your list and it should display.Or, type 'google drive' in the 'Search Destinations' field.Click 'Save'. Go to your Google Drive homepage and select 'Recent' to display your new.pdf file. Rename or organize at will.

Contents.Project setupFrom Visual studio make sure that your project is set 4 4.5. Install the following nuget package.PM Install-Package Google.Apis.Drive.v2 Google Developer ConsoleOn the credentials screen of the, you need to create Service Account Credentials.

When you do this you will be prompted to download a p12 key file. Save this file it will need to be accessed by your application.A few important things to note about a service account is that it is not you.

Just because you created the service account does not mean that it has access to the files you have stored in your Google drive. You can take the service account email address and give it access to a directory on your Google drive. It will then be allowed to upload to that directory, but you wont have access to the files. You will need to complete a second step and give yourself personally permission to access those files by updating or patching the file permissions. Another option would be to have the service account grate your Google account access to a directory on its account then you will be able to see the files on your Google drive. Again permissions will probably need to be set to allow you to access the files.AuthenticationThe following method will show you how to connect to a service account. You will need to pass it the full path of the key file that you downloaded from Google Developer console.

There are a number of scopes that you could send but because this is a service account requesting full access is probably the best way to go.The method returns a drive service that you can then use to access the Google Drive API. Russell GravesThis is nice, but I don’t think it works because “ServiceAccountCredential” does not exist in “Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2” it was part of “Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2” which is obsolete now.This is the problem I have been having for some time. I have yet to find a Google Service Account C# example that will actually compile.This article says Feb 10, 2015, but have you really tried it with current stuff?

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I hope I am just an idiot, and that there is something I’m missing here.Any input??Thanks,Russell. Post authorThe other way around. Create a folder on your Google Pro account. Add the service account email address as a user, give it write access.The service account can now upload to that folder. However it is important to remember after you do a file.insert using the service account to do a permissions.insert on the file that you just inserted to give yourself access to the file other wise the service account will own the file.————————————-But yes if we create a bunch of service accounts and just share the folder with ourselves technically we would get more space for free 🙂 Just don’t delete the service account in dev console or you will loose it and there is no way of getting it back. PantonisWhen I try to doPermission permission = new Permission;permission.EmailAddress = “”;permission.Type = “user”;permission.Role = “reader”;var cr = service.Permissions.Create(permission, obj.Id).Execute;var updatePermission = service.Permissions.Update(permission, obj.Id, cr.Id);updatePermission.TransferOwnership = true;updatePermission.Execute;I getGoogle.Apis.Requests.RequestErrorThe transferOwnership parameter must be enabled when the permission role is ‘owner’.


Google Drive Api Convert To Pdf

403Errors MessageThe transferOwnership parameter must be enabled when the permission role is ‘owner’. LocationtransferOwnership – parameter Reasonforbidden Domainglobal.

Walter ZAMBOTTIHello LindaThank you for providing these fine examples.In relation to the Google Drive API with a Service Account example I have successfully used it to create a drive service as expected.However I am unable to use the resulting drive service to do anything (list files, upload etc).Can you help me to understand the significance of the “ApplicationName” in relation to the drive service and what should this application refer to? I.e: Is this application something that I need to register via the google admin console?. Walter ZAMBOTTII had a break through!When I was supplying the google account email I was using the email address of the associated with the actually google drive. For example: It was was under this google account that have my normal access and where I created the service account key.However when setting up my service account key I noticed another email address called the service account ID.For example:(which is auto generated by the admin console)When I use this email address with ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer it all works.I am a little confused! Any clarification appreciated. Post authorA service account isn’t you even though it was created by your gmail account in Google developer console. Think of service accounts as dummy user accounts, it has its own google drive account, google calendar, and probably a bunch more.

Google Drive Api As Pdf Free

It has access it its own account, you can share your information with it like you would any other user. (Try sharing a file with it from your drive account by adding its email address like you would any other user).You might want to try reading this it should help remove your confusion. I was looking for the same functionality but I am using a v3 REST service from an Angular2 application:– I retrieve the access token for the service account through my server– I have shared a folder in my main Google Drive account (Pro version) with the service account email– I can use the REST calls to upload files in the folder of the Pro account– the owner of the files remain the service account– when I try to change the owner using the “permissions” REST interface, I get errors like “ACL change not allowed”. I can only create a “write” permission of the Pro account, not an “owner” permission.In summary what I try to achieve is to move the files from the service account to the pro account programmatically.I have tried to find this “regularAssociatedAccountEmail” in the documentation, but I was not able to find anything.Any suggestion?Thanks.