Solaris 104 Pc Game Download

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Solaris 104 Pc Game Download
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Dear Mike,Yes, you can install Solaris on an x86 based PC. I went to the Sun websiteand ordered there 'free / evaluation' Solaris 8 PC installation kit. Theyprovide the full version with Open Windows in 8 CDs or 1 DVD (yourpreference).Yes, as far as I know (though I have yet to try it), you can install Linuxand Solaris on the same box, however, the partition types are different andyou will need to have each one of the bootable partitions as the primarypartition.Hope this helps,Mahmud Husain KhanSystem AdministratorPresidency University

Sorry, I did overlook one thing; you will have to pay about US$ 30 - 40 forshipping + handling and the 'cost' of the CDs. No, it's the 'real' thing, noeval software, except for Oracle I think, which you probably don't want orneed anyway.

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Solaris 104 Pc Game Download App


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You can install KDE, but I have yet to try it, I'll keep thatin mind once I do get around to doing that, 'cause right now I am trying toimplement NIS+ auth with our troublesome AD implementation:(.I don't think a download is available since you will need at least 5 CDs todo the installation, I had ordered the CDs 'cause I couldn't find adownloadable version, but then again, this was almost 1 year ago.CDE is still there. But you have the option of not installing it infavor of Open Windows.Welcome.Mahmud Husain KhanSystem AdministratorPresidency University