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It is possible to unpassword, but. The popup dialog asking not for a password. It asking for a KEY.This library was saved as an external encrypted library.So this is not just 'black box'. As a result - library can't be added to project without entering that key.I guess you see the error window because of that.I need some time to research the encryption/decryption logic OR.if CoDeSys really prompt for a PASSWORD (not for a KEY) - send me whole project, the library key must be stored somewhere in there. At the moment I can only say the follow information about heroctrol.lib:1. The library has no password protection inside.2.

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User key is greater or equal 5 characters.I feel on pictures below referring to the same data block:heroctrol.lib:not encrypted library:Check the difference in columns: when data block contains same data (00) after encryption it looks like series where low bits keeps same and high bits changing. E.g., for column #2: C9 F9 E9 99 89.

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For identical data block you may also see next row is very similar to previous. The data almost repeats each 16 bytes. So, cryptographic key length = 16 bytes.If it is possible to define repeatability per each row and if there are simple byte operation is used (e.g. Key-byte XOR file-byte) - the chance to decrypt file is quite big.